It seems that the debian upgrade did not install scriptaculous. I looked into the apache error log and found that the
scriptaculous.js script could not be found.
robert sand wrote:
I've upgraded one of our webmail servers from the debian etch dist to
the debian lenny dist (imp 4.1 to imp 4.2). I've generated new config
files for all applications but have found a problem with the "Delete |
Undelete | Black List | White List | Forward | View Messages " links on
the page not doing anything when a message is selected and not selected.
I've not found anything in the list yet on this issue. Can anyone let
me know how I can activate these links? Deleting messages from inside
the message does work.
Please let me know if you need any more information than what I've given.
Robert Sand.
1028 Kirby Drive
366 K Plz
Duluth, MN 55812-3095
218-726-6122 fax 218-726-7674
"Walk behind me I may not lead, Walk in front of me I may not follow,
Walk beside me and we walk together" UTE Tribal proverb.
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