Quoting Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>:

On 02.02.09 16:48, voya...@centrum.cz wrote:
How can I add forward icon In IMP main screen that show me which mails are
forwarded(something like icon on answered mail)? Is it possible to add
forward icon and change backround color on every line with forwarded mail?
At now I must click on every mail to see if it was forwarded to somebody.

afaik there is no "forwarded" flag, so it's not easy/reliable to detect if
message was forwarded or not.

There is an unofficial "official" flag - $Forwarded.  See, e.g.:

But this flag/keyword is only supported in IMP 5.


Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

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