- I'm not sure about the previous version... 

- I've fixed the virtual trash problem setting it to a Trash folder. 

- How can I fix the dimp portal issue with the CVS? I need to wait until a new 

- The signature thing in dimp, can be fixed? or it doesn't work at the moment? 

- I mean, that I have all the text file in one single line, the new line 
character appears as a square symbol. 

- Another  issue I've found since the upgrade is that i'm getting an email 
about kronolith alamrs. 
PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to 
allocate 77824 bytes) in /srv/www/htdocs/horde/config/prefs.php on line 225 

It worked before upgrading. 

Thanx Jan. 

Jan Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha escrito:

> Zitat von Alex Marsal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hi, I've upgraded recently my horde to webmail 1.2 version and I've 
>> found some problems. I hope someone can help me.
> From which version?
>> - In IMP using Spanish language the Virtual trash doesn't appear, it 
>> appear if I change the language.
> Create a ticket on bugs.horde.org.
>> - In dimp the Portal page remains in loading using internet explorer 
>> 7, firefox works correctly.
> Already fixed in CVS.
>> - The option to set the cursor begin the signature in dimp doesn't 
>> work in HTML view.
> Correct.
>> - Maybe a more complex issue, I've a problem with one company, we 
>> send them a plain text file that they process with their 
>> applications, since the upgrade they cannot import our files in 
>> their application, but if we send the same file with Thunderbird 
>> client it works file. I've seen a difference of 1KB extra between 
>> the file sent with imp and the one sent with Thunderbird. As well if 
>> I open the one sent with imp it doesn't read correctly the enter, so 
>> it shows everything on one single line.
> I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but it sounds like there is a 
> difference in the line break characters?
> Jan.
> -- 
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