Hi folks,
I am currently configuring dimp and imp in a new installation for my users. All is going well, except for the default address book settings in imp (Options for mail -> address books). I would like to expand my email addresses using 'email' and 'name' , and use the address book 'localsql' as the address book to use when adding addresses. My configuration parameters are at the bottom of this mail. When I empty the entire horde database (so forcing the use of the prefs.php files), I do not see the localsql address book selected when I go to the options screen. The same applies to the search field. They are in the lists, but not selected... Am I missing something here, because I think I am doing everything I should do to get this working... Imp/config/prefs.php contains: $_prefs['search_sources'] = array( 'value' => "localsql", 'locked' => false, 'shared' => true, 'type' => 'implicit'); $_prefs['search_fields'] = array( 'value' => "localsql\temail\tname", 'locked' => false, 'shared' => true, 'type' => 'implicit'); $_prefs['add_source'] = array( 'value' => "localsql", 'locked' => false, 'shared' => true, 'type' => 'implicit'); In turba I have a source named "localsql" Imp version 4.3 Dimp version 1.1 Horde version 3.3 Thanks, PJ Pieterjan Heyse ICT Coördinator Scheppersinstituut Scheppersinstituut Wetteren Cooppallaan 128 9230 Wetteren Tel: 09 3692072 Tel direct: 09 3654596 Fax: 09 3661348 skype: pieterjan.heyse -- IMP mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#imp Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/ To unsubscribe, mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]