I have a strange problem with Nag: Edition, changing or displaying something always gives:
WARNING: in_array() [function.in-array[1]]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /USR/LOCAL/WWW/HORDE/NAG/TEMPLATES/LIST/TASK_HEADERS.INC on line 33 WARNING: in_array() [function.in-array[2]]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /USR/LOCAL/WWW/HORDE/NAG/TEMPLATES/LIST/TASK_HEADERS.INC on line 37 an a lot more, but else works fine. I have removed the nag tables from the horde db an installed it new with the *.sql file in the nag/scripts/sql/ dir Any idea? Thanks Werner Links: ------ [1] /horde/nag/function.in-array [2] /horde/nag/function.in-array --------------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using the HTL Wr. Neustadt/EDVO webmail service.
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