Pardon. I didn't think anyone used webmail without https. If you did then browser cache is the least of your worries.
Even so this answer would have sufficed no matter what I was doing on the server side. None of the code has been
edited and the php.ini has not been changed as suggested so then it must be a broken browser. Thanks consider this case
closed as it couldn't be your great software.
Michael M Slusarz wrote:
Quoting robert sand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
We are using https. Sorry I even asked. If you don't know the answer
why even reply.
Firefox does *not* cache https.
IE does, but *only* if the Caching headers allow it. Many browsers will
cache pages even (if expired) if using http only. So there is
absolutely nothing wrong with the statement "you should use https".
Again, Horde/PHP obviously does *not* allow caching of scripts by
default (one exception: we allow caching of JS/CSS files in the latest
version of IMP but that is irrelevant) . It requires some additional
configuration out of our control to cause the server to send Expires
headers that are not in the distant past. Don't believe me? Grep the
code for either 'session_cache_limiter' or 'Expires:' and you will see.
So, given the information provided, the only reasonable explanation is
that you have either modified your php.ini or your web server/proxy is
altering Expires headers or your browser(s) tested are broken. Since
this is a Horde list, that is the extent to which we can help you.
I will ignore the insinuation that I am either ignorant or not competent
to help. That is simply unprofessional and uncalled for.
Robert Sand.
1028 Kirby Drive
366 K Plz
Duluth, MN 55812-3095
218-726-6122 fax 218-726-7674
"Walk behind me I may not lead, Walk in front of me I may not follow,
Walk beside me and we walk together" UTE Tribal proverb.
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