Hi all,
I'm new in horde, I would like to ask a question.
I use $_prefs['search_sources'] in IMP to auto-expand address.
I have two address book (localsql and localldap), so I use
'value' => "localsql\tlocalldap"
Until GWE 1.1 all work fine.
Upgrading to GWE 1.1.1 or 1.1.2 expand address into compose form
doesn't work more.
Trying and trying I found this in Turba prefs:
// Address books to be displayed in the address book selection widget
// and in the Browse menu item. The address book name is stored using
// the source key from sources.php (e.g. "localsql"). Separate
// entries with "\n" , e. g. 'value' => "localsql\nlocalldap" (the
// double quotes are REQUIRED). If 'value' is empty (''), all address
// books that the user has permissions to will be listed.
$_prefs['addressbooks'] = array(
'value' => "localsql\nlocalldap",
'locked' => false,
'shared' => false,
'type' => 'implicit',
By default value is empty, but I see that adding the same value stored
into value of imp $_prefs['search_sources'], then auto-expand works
I have something wrong during upgrade, or is this change expected?
Thank you very much for every help or hints.
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