If you simply don't like the
command line there are other alternatives like using vnc.
I use Webmin custom command to administer my mail server.
You create Webmin custom menu that execute your scripts (commands).
I have a 2 secretarys creating users and group via Webmin custom menu.
Jacques Beaudoin wrote:
Hi Stefan,
I have in horde the field
"What backend should we use for authenticating users to Horde?"
set to "imap authentication"
And I enter my users in my imap server.
Stefan I do the same thing as Jacques. Also I don't have to setup the
folders each time because if you setup your mail folders once in
/etc/skel, the folders are created automatically when you add new users
(at least this works for me with debian). If you simply don't like the
command line there are other alternatives like using vnc.
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