Zitat von "Andrew Morgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Thu, 19 Jun 2008, Mark Bishop wrote:
Is it possible to have persistent imap connections? In every
operation in IMP I see a login and then a logout in my log files.
If this is a stupid question, my apologies.
Not within Horde/IMP. You could use an IMAP proxy daemon to cache
open connections though. I'm not sure what people use these days,
but I saw one called "imapproxy" being used years ago.
A current version of such a program can be found on http://www.imapproxy.org/
We are using this here without problems with IMP3 for half a year now.
Jochen Roderburg
University of Cologne
Robert-Koch-Str. 10 Tel.: +49-221/478-7024
D-50931 Koeln E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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