Hi, I dunno if I'm writing to correct mailing list, but anyway I think it's important for everyone. So, here is the problem: when I login into horde, and go to create folder f.e. with name "test_one-two_three", it creates it perfectly, but when I go to the Search menu, there is a list of all folders and last one is shown as "testone-twothree" . The same as just created one, but just without "_" symbol. Is this a bug? Maybe during folder creation we can warn users who tries to create folders with "_" symbols?
PS, I've tried this with both versions of horde: 3.1.6 and Horde: 3.2-RC4 , and the problem repeats.. BR, Arminas -- IMP mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#imp Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/ To unsubscribe, mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]