Quoting Liam Hoekenga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Can they not upgrade to Safari 2.x or 3.x?  (Just asking, as I'm
not a Mac user, but I do know Safari 1.x is _way_ behind the times, and
won't work on _many_ web sites, not just horde/imp).

Safari 2 requires at least MacOS 10.4.2.

  I have a user on WinXP (no service packs); using IE6.0.26; she cannot
  Compose a new message, delete, reply or forward any messages.

I saw this before, but it was fixed and I've not seen it sense...
Are these current tickets with the current code?

This is against Horde 3.2RC3, IMP 4.2RC3, Turba 2.2RC3, and Ingo 2.2RC2

This issue should be fixed in the newest RCs (was an issue with the prototype library).

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