
>    I've just installed Horde Groupware WEbmail 1.06 with GPG support, and
> everything seems ok except that i cant figure out where the personal keys are
> being stored.
> 1)  I know the address book table holds the public keys of contacts. I need to
> know where the personal/secret keys are being saved as i plan to personally
> hand out GPG keys to selected users of the system.
> 2)  It seems IMP has no database table entries (at all?) to save this  
> information.
> 3)  I am able to import GPG key pairs created by WinGPG but interestingly,
> even if the keys have an expiration date, it seems to be nullified by Horde
> when viewed in the 'Details' clickable link in PGP options.

normally this is stored in your user-pref database. For me it's a table
user_pref and you can select it accordingly to the field uid which is
your username.

hope this is correct so, however it fits for my setup.

greets pete
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