Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
> Hi,
> Decided to have a go on the upcoming release and most look good, noticed 
> one problem with IE7:
> Open mail message and let mouse hover over one of the expanding menu 
> itms, Reply/Forward/Headers. IE7 will show a page with "Page cannot be 
> shown" with a few options. Hit "Search online for a program..." and it 
> will take you to a "Windows File Assiciation" page that states 
> "Protocol: Javascript".
> Possible an issue with the IE7 security settings but have not been able 
> to fix it yet. Problem is repeatable on several computers with IE7.

Replying to myself here, sorry. In total lack of knowledge how to debug 
this I installed "DebugBar" for IE. The lines for the troubled section 
start with the below sample from the "Reply" item. No real errors are 
reported from DebugBar as far as I can see.

This is a real showstopper for us considering the move to 4.2 as many 
users are on IE7 unfortunately.

Before I report this as a bug it would be great if someone could confirm 
the behaviour.


<A class="widget hasmenu" accessKey=R 
_counted="undefined"><SPAN class=accessKey>R</SPAN>eply</A>

<A class=widget 
_counted="undefined">To Sender</A>

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