--- Bubuk Gabrok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I received an email that contains many attachments.
> I
> am able to click (view) the attachment with .jpg and
> ..pdf extensions. But there are no links activated
> for
> Word, Excel and Powerpoint. What should I do so that
> I
> am able to have their links being activated for
> viewing?
> TIA.
> --
> Bubuk

OK I can figure that out already.

I have installed wvware. It's working but images from
Word are saved into /tmp . But when I do a right-click
on the broken images, I can see that the path refers
to imp, for example,
http://mail.example.com/imp/mswordYXBvGS0.jpg . I have
read some notes on the archive but I couldn't
understand how to resolve this.

I have also came across Eric's hack at
, but since the image link refers to /imp and the
actual image is written to /tmp, there is nothing much
I can do.

Please help me. TIA.


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