I found the Dovecot version was not returning RECENT counts on the inbox EXAMINE/SELECT requests. An upgraded version of Dovecot fixed that.

But I still get no notification - either by popup- or sounds when new mail hits my inbox. I can do an EXAMINE on the INBOX and get a non-zero RECENT count - but I am not getting notification.

I see this behavior from the standard portal display.
This just occurs on the INBOX not other folders that are fed by an INGO filter.
Where should I start looking for this ?


Bill Graham
Systems Administrator
Hurley Public Schools
Hurley,SD 57036

Quoting Bill Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I am not getting a <SPAN class=incorrect id=message14 index="14" name="incorrect">popup</SPAN>/sound notification when mail arrives in my <SPAN class=incorrect id=message16 index="16" name="incorrect">INBOX</SPAN>. I have 4 other boxes that I monitor in my portal and they all notify fine.
Running last nights snapshot, but has been doing this for a while.
PHP 5.2.5

anyone else seeing thihs behavior ?

Bill Graham
Systems Administrator
Hurley Public Schools
Hurley,SD 57036

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