Zitat von Jan Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Zitat von Listaccount <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> Could you please explain on how we can do this? I have never seen a
>>>> configuration option which sound like what we need.
>>> Lock the from_addr preference.
>> Yes of course, but we like to give the user the ability to choose from
>> a bunch of addresses which where defined as aliases to this account
>> anyway.
>> So we have e.g.
>> and the user could choose to set on of these addresses as *sender* for
>> his/here identities and no other e-mail address can be used. This
>> makes sense because this e-mail addresses will be routed to the
>> account anyway so the user "owns" the address.
> All this is possible through prefs.php. Please read the docs.
> Jan.

Yes it is possible if one is capable in programing PHP, but with this
everything is possible because Horde/IMP is build with PHP. So the
answer is no, it is not possible without PHP programing skills for  
creating a very special hook.


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