Craig White wrote:
> On Sun, 2007-12-30 at 19:54 -0900, Damien Hull wrote:
>> Norberto Bensa wrote:
>>> Quoting Damien Hull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>> reinstalling everything. Why? The Debian instructions don't say anything
>>>> about an admin account. I don't have access to the admin settings.
>>> Everything you need is documented in /etc/horde/... config files or in  
>>> the horde ui itself. The default admin user is (IIRC) administrator  
>>> (or Administrator)
>>> The setting you're looking for is:
>>> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('your-user-name');
>>> Inside /etc/horde/horde3/conf.php
>> That's not in the Debian how-to. I double checked the wiki and did a 
>> search for administrator account. Berried in the middle some where is a 
>> line describing the very instructions you talk about. I just don't like 
>> it when a how-to skips over things.
>> I've installed other php applications. Most of them have a nice setup 
>> tool. You point your browser at the setup tool and it walks you through 
>> the install process. Is there a reason horde doesn't have this?
> ----
> actually, it does do just have to log in for the first time.
> I don't see how you could use it without the ability to edit the config
> files because clearly you can't use IMP without editing 'servers.php' or
> turba without editing 'sources.php'
> Craig

I've got IMP working. The install process wasn't that bad. I'm thinking 
of going through it one more time just to make sure I understand how to 
do it. Next time I'll document everything I do.

There were a few things I did differently form the Debian how-to.

   1. I installed and configured horde3
   2. I configured the Administrator account
         1. I need to test it
   3. I didn't change the permissions for the config files
   4. Installed IMP
   5. Went back to the horde admin page to set authentication etc...
   6. Configured IMP on the web interface
   7. Installed Auth_SASL
   8. ran test.php in Firefox
   9. Tested IMP
         1. Copied the correct server settings for servers.php
  10. Configured email settings in /etc/horde/imp4/servers.php

It works!

Next time I'll install all the extras.
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