Zitat von Kevin Konowalec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > This is exactly what we did. Since you can change your "from" and > "reply-to" fields in your identities it became necessary to embed the > user's actual login ID in an X-header so that we can identify the > source of spam. We also took it one step further and added a bit of > code that keeps a running total of the number of recipients a user > has sent to in a given session (stored in the memcache session > variable itself). Then we've set limits so that if a message has > more than 50 recipients per message it will refuse to send it (we > display a message saying that it's much more appropriate to use a > mailman list for messages of that size). Plus if the cumulative > total recipients per session is over 200 it will no longer allow the > user to send mail (until they log in again with a clean session). > We've nailed a whole bunch of spammers with this functionality with > the added bonus of getting people who maintain large mailing lists to > use the list server rather than Imp, which is better for all concerned.
This is a builtin feature of IMP 4.2 by the way. With the difference that you limit across sessions for a definable time period. Jan. -- Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting? http://horde.org/consulting/ -- IMP mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#imp Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/ To unsubscribe, mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]