--On Thursday, May 10, 2007 23:20 -0500 Johnny Patrick 

> Let me rephrase. If a message comes into Horde webmail and is
> highlighted or in bold indicating it is unread, what are the possible
> actions that cause the message to go from highlighted to not  highlighted
> (again, initially the message shows up highlighted meaning it has not
> been read yet.) Can the message go from unread to a read  status
> automatically? Or once it shows unread in Horde webmail, must  it be
> clicked on to go to the "read" status.>

The seen status is maintained on the imap server.  IMP shows you what
the status is.  When you tell IMP to display an unseen message, IMP
will tell the imap server to mark it seen.  This is the same action
that any imap client takes.

Joe Brennan

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