Hi: Some users have problems.
- when they are composing a new messages, Suddenly press send button and browser shows "Page not found" - They are adding attachments file and browser shows "Page not found" - They are navigating into messages views from right panel and suddenly shows "Page not found" I don't know if these problems has relation with "menu_refresh_time" " summary_refresh_time". These problems ocurrs with some users, but it's increasing. However, I was checking configuration like in 10 users and i discovered that webmail is not following preferences saves in horde_prefs table. I observed that while user has configurate "menu_refresh_time" and "summary_refresh_time" in 5 minutes, webmail refresh each 1 minute. I'll appreciate your help -- Estela Macías Administrador de Sistemas Dirección de Servicios Telemáticos -- IMP mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#imp Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/ To unsubscribe, mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]