AHA here is what is in the headers:
from [] (macbook002.hhs.harrisonburg.k12.va.us []
(may be forged)) (authenticated bits=0) by mail.harrisonburg.k12.va.us
(8.12.8/8.12.8) with ESMTP id l11FS2Y8032276 for
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 1 Feb 2007 10:28:02 -0500
Wonder where the (may be forged) comes from? I dont have anything
rewriting headers.
Quoting Joseph Brennan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
--On Thursday, February 1, 2007 10:38 -0500
I have one user (for now) who uses entourage on an apple laptop. When
replying to her emails with horde 3.1.1 and imp 4.1.3 I get the
following error message:
Not Acceptable
Check the Reply-to: header line of her message, or if there isn't one,
the From: header line. Maybe she has something weird there.
Joseph Brennan
Lead Email Systems Engineer
Columbia University Information Technology
Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools
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