Some time ago, we have found a strange behavior during IMP Compose address 
and now I find the same thing in the current stable release IMP 4.1.3.

In few words, I configured the personal address book for address expansion, and also a default domain to be appended as fully qualified domain name for the unmatched addresses.

So when I compose a new message, and I follow exactly this step below, I found 
this strange behavior:

 1) first, I wrote in the To field, and I expand this such an address (with 
'tab' char)  from personal address book
        -> all go right!

2) then I append a new address in the same To field, and I expand such an address that it isn't in the personal address book
        -> correctly, the default domain is appended as fully qualified domain 
        -> but very strange: each space char in the description of the address 
expanded at the first step is replaced with a dot.

3) then I append another new address in the same field, and I expand such an address that it isn't in the personal address book

        -> very strange I got this warning:  'The field "to" can't be expanded.

Anyone knows if this behavior is wanted or not ?

Thanks a lot.

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