Dear Madam/Sir,

After years of silence in the corporate bond financing market for renewable 
energy projects and with the recovery of the global financial market, the topic 
"Green Asset Sercuritization" is becoming interesting again. Big transactions 
like Breeze 2 in 2006 are hard to find again in today`s market, however on the 
other hand, the installed capacity of green energy and the funding demand from 
small and middle size developers are increasing strongly. 

For a better understanding of the market, we are working on a analysis paper 
"Green Fixed Income Finance" and it will be a great honor to hear your 
professional view on this topic. We`ve set up this anonymous online survey on 
"Green Asset Sercuritization" which contains 14 questions around the issue and 
we are looking forward for your unique opinion.

Please click the link below to the survey:

It will be highly appreciated if you`d also like to forward this survey to your 
contacts in the industry, so that we could reach a wider coverage. If you are 
interested in the topic and would like to receive the survey results, please 
feel free to contact us for more information.

Thank you very much for your precious time in advance!

Zi Wang (Emon)
Project Manager

ecolutions GmbH & Co. KGaA
Grüneburgweg 18
60322 Frankfurt/Main

Skype:   insomniasky
Tel:       +49 - 69 - 7191 280 331
Fax:      +49 - 69 - 9150 108 - 11
Mobile:  +49 - (0) 176 6420 7994

Firma: ecolutions GmbH & Co. KGaA
Management: Altira ecolutions Management GmbH • Petra Leue-Bahns (Managing 
Supervisory Board: Andreas Lange, Frankfurt (Vors.) • Arne Lorenzen, 
Aix-en-Provence • Dr. Hartmut Schüning, Hamburg • Dr. Friedrich Schneider, 
Krefeld • David Zimmer, Bonn • Marc van't Noordende, Aix-en-Provence
Registergericht: Frankfurt/Main • HRB 79650

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