You would have to use ((object object)=>object)? Which is expensive and is 
using a hammer to crack a nut ;-)




[] On Behalf Of Naveen Chawla
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 5:24 AM
To: Gavin Lambert
Subject: Re: [antlr-interest] Left factor? Syntactic predicates? Or another 


Thanks so much! Yes, I tried complement: object object? coincidentally just 
before I read your message and it worked. Good news is that in the real grammar 
they ARE actually equivalent. But is there no way of making 'indirectObject' 
and 'object' appear as they are in the end structure if there are 2 'object's 
in a row (they have slightly different meanings even though syntactically the 
same)? Would a syntactic predicate solve this? For example, complement: 
(indirectObject object)=>indirectObject object | object; Is this the right one? 
(it doesn't seem to work on ANTLRWorks) Many many thanks, N

2009/10/1 Gavin Lambert <>

At 23:13 1/10/2009, Naveen Chawla wrote:

     complement: indirectObject? object;

     indirectObject :  nounPhrase;

     object : nounPhrase;

     nounPhrase : 'the' adjectivePhrase? 'noun';

    adjectivePhrase : '<Ving>' complement?;


"error(211): predicate.g:7:14: [fatal] rule complement has non-LL(*) decision 
due to recursive rule invocations reachable from alts 1,2.  Resolve by 
left-factoring or using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true option."


The problem with this is that at the left edge of complement, it needs to 
evaluate whether indirectObject is present or not.  To do that, it attempts to 
match a nounPhrase, which will attempt to match an adjectivePhrase, which 
brings it right back to the left edge of complement -- and since that's 
optional too, it has to continue scanning forward into a death spiral.

As written here, you should be able to fix it by switching the optionality in 
the complement rule:
 complement: object object?;

I suspect that in your real grammar the indirectObject and object rules aren't 
actually equivalent though, so this may not help much. :)


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