At 06:13 27/08/2009, Ian Eyberg wrote:
 >I have text that looks like:
 >  'b...@l^@a...@h^@'
 >(most of the time the text is simply 'blah')
 >and then it should come out like this:
 >  'blah'
 >  UCODE   : '\u0000'{ $channel = HIDDEN; };
 >I'm reading in through antlrinputstream as "UTF8" as I do
 >want to support multi-byte chars and I have rules to help
 >that such as:

I think you're going about this the wrong way.  The input above 
looks like UTF-16; you should detect that case and use a UTF16 
file stream instead of a UTF8 one.  (Normally Unicode files will 
start with a BOM you can use for auto-detection.)

UTF-16 and UTF-8 encode high-order Unicode characters quite 
differently, so if your input can include them then trying to read 
it as UTF8 and just throwing away the nulls definitely isn't going 
to work.


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