At 00:59 20/08/2009, Safiye Celik wrote:
>I get an error saying "lexer rule INTEGER not allowed in parser". 
>How would I handle this issue? If I first write "grammar 
>MyGrammar;" to my .g file and after listing rules and tokens 
>write "tree grammar MyGrammar;" in order to parsing the tree, I 
>get a syntax error. In ANTLR v2, we were able to declare lexer, 
>parser, and then tree walker in the same .g file. What is the way 
>of it in v3? Or how would I declare tokens such as INTEGER above 
>to the tree grammar?

In v3, each grammar must be in its own separate file.  (Though as 
a special case, a "combined" grammar can have both lexer and 
parser rules [not tree parser rules, though].)

The options section is used to tell the tree grammar where it will 
be getting its token definitions from.

Probably your best bet is to have a look at the examples (in the 
separate examples zipfile). 


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