I'll try to explain quickly but completely. also I'll explain the LLVM  
output; i.e., what the mapping is and how LLVM works.
On Aug 6, 2009, at 12:15 PM, Martijn Reuvers wrote:

> Hey Ter,
> Looks fine to me. =)
> Maybe you can explain a bit about why using backtrack here and there,
> why it would be needed - maybe something about predicates (and the
> limitations of them, e.g. things not always getting called).
> Martijn
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 1:34 AM, Terence Parr<pa...@cs.usfca.edu>  
> wrote:
>> Posting the grammar(s) for you to take a look at. do think this  
>> covers it?
>> It seems like it covers a good deal. I will post the full source  
>> code after
>> I take another pass over it and so on.
>> T
>> On Aug 5, 2009, at 2:38 PM, Hugo Picado wrote:
>>> Hi Terence,
>>> You don't actually need to put a big example, as long as it is a  
>>> good
>>> example. Independently of the specific grammar, I think it should  
>>> address
>>> common issues such as parsing, tree walk, input/output parameters  
>>> in rules,
>>> lists, use of the most important predicates such as tokens,  
>>> header, member,
>>> etc.
>>> Additionally, one think that I've seen that is commonly asked here  
>>> is how
>>> to implement unary minus, or how to construct tree nodes with  
>>> different root
>>> tokens, etc.
>>> You can use a small example to show all this, I think a "too much  
>>> big"
>>> example will somewhere/sometime/somehow confuse the reader.
>>> Back to the question, perhaps your C subset is a nice choice :)
>>> Good luck with that.
>>> Regards,
>>> Hugo.
>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Terence Parr <pa...@cs.usfca.edu>  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Guys,
>>> Ok, I'm rapidly running into my deadline for the book. by the end of
>>> the day I hope to finish the translation and then the generation
>>> chapters. you will see a beta of at least one of those chapters this
>>> week. That leaves the sort of " wrapping up" chapter, which doesn't
>>> really scream "Put a big LLVM example in".
>>> To satisfy you folks, would be sufficient if I put it up on the wiki
>>> with some good but not perfect description as well as the full  
>>> source
>>> code for my C subset to LLVM example?
>>> Ter
>>> On Jun 24, 2009, at 10:30 AM, J. Stephen Riley Silber wrote:
>>>> I think Waverly's point wasn't the complexity of the grammar of the
>>>> language.  No one is arguing the simplicity of the Smalltalk
>>>> grammar.  His point was that compiling a simple imperative language
>>>> to LLVM will demonstrate the basics of LLVM IL generation.
>>>> "Everyone knows C", so it should make for a relatively simple
>>>> tutorial.
>>>> I know nothing about LLVM besides what's on its project homepage,
>>>> but I am confident that a C subset example will allow me to ramp up
>>>> quickly to the point where I could implement "advanced" features
>>>> such as dynamic dispatch in short order.
>>>> Ter, consider this a hearty seconding of Waverly's suggestion.   
>>>> It's
>>>> a great idea.
>>>> --- On Wed, 6/24/09, Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> From: Damien Cassou <damien.cas...@gmail.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [antlr-interest] ok, will build an LLVM example for  
>>>> book
>>>> To: "Edwards, Waverly" <waverly.edwa...@genesys.com>
>>>> Cc: "antlr-inter...@antlr.org ANTLR" <antlr-inter...@antlr.org>
>>>> Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 9:47 AM
>>>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Edwards,
>>>> Waverly<waverly.edwa...@genesys.com> wrote:
>>>>> A Smalltalk or Java type language subset might be nice but overly
>>>> complex, possibly
>>>>> loosing your reader.
>>>> The entire Smalltalk language represents no more than 17 AST  
>>>> nodes. I
>>>> don't consider that overly complex.
>>>> --
>>>> Damien Cassou
>>>> http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st
>>>> "Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
>>>> popular by not having them." James Iry
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