Folks -- 

I'd appreciate if someone could straighten me out on what is The Intended Way 
on the following issue:

I'm working on a PHP grammar that produces an AST, testing it against various 
source code.  

When a parse succeeds, I get a nice AST returned from PhpParser.prog() via 
prog_return.getTree(). However, if the parse fails, then what's returned via 
prog_return.getTree() is a tree with just an error node (and this is readily 
understood from the generated source in PhpParser.prog()).


a) In case of error, is there an intended way of getting access to the actual 
AST?  I hacked an extra public field into PhpParser to get access to the AST 
root_0 node, and it seems to be useful, but I would not have expected to need 
to do that.

b) Is there some reason why I should not want to do that?

c) Why isn't prog() designed to just return the actual AST as usual and provide 
error info by separate means?

d) I note that prior to normal exits, the PhpParser.prog() refines the 
completed AST using rulePostProcessing, and setTokenBoundaries. For an AST 
that's partially complete due to error exit, these still make sense to apply, 


-- Graham

Grammar info:
The PHP grammar is similar to that listed at (kuruvila) -- pretty 
options {
    backtrack = true; 
    memoize = true;
    output = AST;
    ASTLabelType = CommonTree;


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