Hey everyone,

I try to use custom TreeNodes and a custom TreeAdaptor so I can  
annotate my AST with information for typechecking. (Thanks for your  
example in the new Book, Terr!)
Unfortunately this breaks the GUnit-Tests for my TreeWalker, because I  
cannot tell GUnit what custom Adaptor to use for testing . I tried to  
set the adaptor in the @init-Block of my main-parsing method, but taht  
does not seems to have the desired effect. Does GUnit create a new  
instance of the Parser for each rule it tests?

I have read about this problem here: 

Unfortunately this does not seem to be fixed yet. Does anyone know a  
good workaround for this so I can use my custom TreeNodes without  
losing my tests?

Tilman Bender
Student des Software Engineering
Hochschule Heilbronn

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