What I do is generate the lexer standalone and use vocab import. Then  
your parser is a parser grammar T;


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On May 26, 2009, at 9:04 PM, T Stotts <timoth...@tstotts.net> wrote:

> Hello. I have written a simple composite grammar. Antlr 3.1 fails to
> generate a lexer when the lexer grammar is in its own file; but
> generates a lexer when the grammar is combined into one file. The
> eventual grammar will be very large, so I need to implement it as a
> composite grammar. What do I do? Is this a bug in the software, and  
> why
> does this problem not show up for the antlr v3 examples?
> Clarification: by failing to generate a lexer, I do mean that the tool
> fails to create a Vhdl2008Lexer.java file.
> /*   File Vhdl2008.g  */
> grammar Vhdl2008;
> options {
>    language='Java';
> }
> import Vhdl2008LexerRules;
> entity_declaration :
>    ENTITY Identifier IS
>    END (ENTITY)? (Identifier)? SEMICOLON
>    ;
> /*   File Vhdl2008LexerRules.g  */
> lexer grammar Vhdl2008LexerRules;
> END : ('E'|'e')('N'|'n')('D'|'d') ;
> ENTITY : ('E'|'e')('N'|'n')('T'|'t')('I'|'i')('T'|'t')('Y'|'y') ;
> IS : ('I'|'i')('S'|'s') ;
> SEMICOLON : ';';
> Identifier : ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z') ( ('_')?  
> 'A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9' )*;
> WS : (' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};
> -- 
> aka:   timotheus
> web:   http://tstotts.net/
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