> I am in a class using ANTLR Works. My operating system is Windows XP Home
> edition.  I tried creating a simple grammar file and I was able to
> generate
> the code. 
> grammar T;
> /**match things like "call foo;"*/
> r              :               'call' ID ';' {System.out.println("invoke"
> +
> $ID.text);};
> ID            :               'a'..'z'+ ;
> WS         :               (' ' | '\n' | '\r')+ {$channel=HIDDEN;};      
> However, when I tried to debug I got two errors. I have pasted them below:
> When I tried to do the first debug I got the error below: Cannot launch
> the
> debugger. Time-out waiting to connect the remote parser.

It may be possible that ANTLRworks uses a different default port than the 
runtime (there was a mixup). Try changing the port to 49153 until the next 
version comes out.

> Also got an "Error 2."
> I tried using ANTLR Works on Windows XP Home Edition and Windows Vista and
> got the same errors.
> Some assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
> LL
> "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however
> improbable, must be the truth."
> --Sherlock Holmes from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Sign of Four.
> I AM an information warrior...

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