Thanks a lot for ur help;

I'm using eclipse I did run a configuration of org.antlr.Tool passing
as an argument ${file_prompt} and "-lib dir" <my .g directory>, didn't

I ' ve also tried to put the token in the same directory then Tool, in
vain. So I've debug source code till i found where it does set the
name of the file .Token; I changed some code there and it works now.

Seems that there is a bug, when you don't specify  "-lib dir" option,
Seems that the name file that the source code compose is not correct.
Were u able to run it?


2009/5/12 Iztok Kavkler <>:
> By default, it will look in the current working directory (which is the
> directory from where you started antlr, not the directory of .g file). To
> look for .token files in other directories, use "-lib dir" option.
>> Hi there;
>> I'm getting this error: cannot find tokens file
>> <unset-dir>/file.tokens. I 've got the file .tokens in the same
>> directory of the my ".g". Where does Antlr look for the file token. Do
>> I need to set up enviremont variable ANTLR_home? Because I simply run
>> org.antlr.Tool passing the file as an argument.
>> Many Thanks,



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