If you just skip the comment token, it will be discarded. If you want to 
retain it, you have to use the "setHiddenAfter" / "setHiddenBefore" 
methods mentioned in the antlr wiki. Once the comments are stored there, 
you have to take care that you print them while traversing the tree for 


vasanthi a schrieb:
> HI All
> I have the below code for java grammar comment
> // Single-line comments
> : "//" (~('\r'|'\n'))* {$setType(Token.SKIP);}
> ;
> After instrumenting the java code, it is removing the java comments . 
> Can you please let me know how to retain the comments
> after instrumenting the code..
> Please let me know, as I am stuck up with this from quite long time
> Vasanthi.
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