Tilman Bender wrote:
Hi all,

Jim, first of all: Thank you veeery much for the gunit-plugin and the long anticipated fix to antlr3-maven-plugin :-)

Keen on using the new feature I followed your instructions to include the plugin into my projects.
Unfortunately updating failed with:

mvn test
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building AirthPlus Compiler
[INFO]    task-segment: [test]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] snapshot org.antlr:antlr3-maven-plugin:3.1.4-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates from antlr-snapshot
11K downloaded  (antlr3-maven-plugin-3.1.4-20090501.221241-30.pom)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] A required plugin was not found: Plugin could not be found - check that the goal name is correct: Unable to download the artifact from any repository

I could fix this by using PluginRepository instead of Repository. 

        This is the ANTLR repository.
<name>ANTLR Testing Snapshot Repository</name>

Hmm, I was not aware that pluginRepository was required separate to repositoy. As you can see, it has downloaded the plugin! Must be some internal lookup thing. I will look in to it.



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