I did not have much luck with this btw (the suggested solution exhibited the
same problem).

I went back and structured my grammar closer to the C example grammar
provided with ANTLR (as far as assignment expressions go).  However, that
example unfortunately uses global backtracking.  I was able to narrow my
use down to just backtracking over my top level assignment rule (so it could
see past the lvalue to the '='), but this still seems far from optimal.

Are C-like assignment expressions one of the things that LL* simply cannot
cope with on a fundamental level?
Anyone know of any examples that handle this sort of construct without
resorting to backtracking?

Eagerly looking forward to the patterns book Terence is working on.  Do you
have a pre-release up for review?
On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Bowen Alpern <alpe...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

>   Aaron Leiby wrote:
>       *Everyone's favorite error!*
>       *I'm playing with a subset of the javascript language, but am having
>       *
>       *difficulties building a grammar in ANTLR for it. I've pared down
>       one of my*
>       *core problems to the following subset:*
>       *expression*
>       *: Name (invocation)* // this is the simplest definition that
>       exhibits the*
>       *problem*
>       *;*
>       *// an expressionStatement is an assignment or invocation - used in
>       for*
>       *loops, etc.*
>       *expressionStatement*
>       *: (assignmentExpression)=> assignmentExpression*
>       *| Name ( refinement* invocation )+*
>       *;*
>       *// this is giving me the problem*
>       *assignmentExpression*
>       *: leftHandSideExpression ( '+=' | '-=' | '=' )*
>       *( leftHandSideExpression '=' )* expression*
>       *;*
>       *// l-vals must not end with an invocation*
>       *leftHandSideExpression*
>       *: Name ( invocation* refinement )**
>       *;*
>       *refinement*
>       *: '.' Name*
>       *;*
>       *invocation // normally an optional expression list*
>       *: '(' expression ')'*
>       *;*
>       *// remaining rule references are stubs similar to Name here*
>       *Name*
>       *: 'name'*
>       *;*
>       *The error I get is:*
>       *[fatal] rule assignmentExpression has non-LL(*) decision due to
>       recursive*
>       *rule invocations reachable from alts 1,2. Resolve by left-factoring
>       or*
>       *using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true option.*
>       *There's only one alternative (which I fail to see how you can only
>       have one*
>       *if it's an alternative - why does it say "alts 1,2" in the error?)
>       and it*
>       *shows up as a little red bar before the 'expression' rule, between
>       repeat*
>       *and skip arrows. This does not help at all. Can someone explain how
>       to*
>       *interpret this? All the examples of left factoring I've seen tend
>       to*
>       *be quite simple and obvious. I'm finding it much more difficult to
>       apply*
>       *here.*
>       *I'm sure I'm going about this the wrong way (starting with the
>       language spec*
>       *and working backward instead of starting with the top rule and
>       decorating*
>       *the grammar one feature at a time), but I still figured it'd be
>       worth*
>       *understanding how to deal with these situations when they
>       inevitably pop up.*
>       *I started with Crockford's fancy railroad diagrams, which have
>       implied*
>       *precedence. I feel like that's been lost in the translation to
>       ANTLR (or*
>       *maybe just lost sight of).*
> I'm pretty new to ANTLR, so take this with a lump of salt, but here is what
> I think is going on.
> Suppose, while looking for an *assignmentExpression, *your parser came
> across the following input:
>    "name = name ( ... ".
> It can't tell, given its LL(*) look-ahead capabilities, whether the second
> name is the beginning of a *leftHandSideExpression *or of an* 
> expression*(because an arbitrary amount of stuff might precede an eventual 
> "=').
> I think something like the following might work:
>    *assignmentExpression*
>       *: leftHandSideExpression ( '+=' | '-=' | '=' ) lhsOrExp *
>       *;*
>       *lhsOrExp*
>       *: (leftHandSideExpression '=')? leftHandSideExpression '=' lhsOrExp
>       *
>       *| Expression*
>       *;*
> There is probably a "best practice" for dealing with this kind of problem,
> but I don't know what it is.
> Good luck!
> Bowen

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