Hi Leon,

Augh! How could I be that blind. I also misinterpreted the "walks"  
keyword as I thought adding it to the heading of the testsuite would  
Thank you very much for you help and keep on the good work with GUnit!

Tilman Bender
Student des Software Engineering
Hochschule Heilbronn

Am 03.04.2009 um 00:09 schrieb Leon Su:

> The main reason of the NPE is due to a syntax error in your  
> Optimizer.testsuite in which you should use "{tree-rule} walks  
> {rule}:" for defining the test target (tree grammar's rules). Try to  
> modify "expr:" to "expr walks expr:" in your testsuite, and it  
> should work. You can also reference the wiki page for the correct  
> syntax.
> However, gUnit does need a detection here for preventing the kind of  
> syntax error and provide a reminding message. I'll add this fix to  
> the next release.

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