Tilman Bender wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to make a simple compiler for a language that does simple 
> arithmetic expression and read/write operations.
> I have a parser generating an AST. Now I would like to walk that AST 
> an alter/rewrite it by removing superflous subtrees.
> e.g:
> When I get a subtree for an addition saying:
> ^(ADD 0 expr ) or ^(ADD expr 0) the subtree should be replaced by just 
> expr
> The same applies to multiplications with one or zero: remove the 
> subtree and replace it by one of the operands or zero.
> How could I achieve this with a tree-grammar?
Download the examples on the download page and use the polydiff example 
as a guide. This isn't your homework is it?


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