Sun's Jackpot offers an API for doing that. But it seems designed to
run as a NetBeans plugin. If you need to apply your changes as a kind
of batch in a headless environnment, fooling NetBeans could become a
hard job. If you need a fine customization of the renaming, Jackpot
looks ok for you.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 11:23 PM,  <> wrote:
> I am searching for a library that you can use for programatically renaming
> classes/interfaces or renaming methods, including automatic renaming all
> references to the methods/types in the source code files/directories that
> you specify.
> In other words, I am looking for a library that can do the same kind of
> rename-refactoring that you can do in some IDE environments (e.g. Eclipse).
> Is ANTLR the tool I am looking for (?) or does somebody here know of another
> library that could help you to implement a method like this:
> public void renameMethod(
>    string nameOfClassOrInterfaceWithTheMethodToBeRenamed,
>    string currentNameOfTheMethodToBeRenamed,
>    string newMethodName,
>    string[] sourceCodeDirectoriesWhereAllMethodUsagesShouldBeRenamed
> )
> If the answer is yes, then is it simple and is there any code example
> illustrating how to do it ?
> / Tom
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