Let me start off by saying that my background is not in parsers or  

I am trying to parse CSS files. I have found a working grammar and the  
source works when I pass a string of random CSS I have generated. I  
now have no clue as to how to hook into those points and get the  
results of the lexing or parsing. I need to assemble objects for  
rules, properties, etc.

I am not looking for an answer so much as I am looking for available  
resources on-line, examples, or sample projects that I can learn to do  
what I need to do.

Or maybe I am looking for someone to tell me I am going the wrong  
route about the problem, and I should continue to do my own parsing as  
it's not necessary to use ANTLR for a simple description language. :)

Brian Nelson
Software Engineer, Neue Software
e. br...@neuesoftware.com

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