Dear Friend,

I want you to assist me and my partner to recieve a parkage which we are 
working on how to move it out of our country down
to your country, and we promise to give you 30% of the package.
We only need:

(1) Your full name to enable me reprofile all documentation in your name as 
the beneficiary of the fund .
(2) Your address (3) Mobile Telephone number  to reach you as they arrive .

The fligth that will be living with the parkage will be living this weekend 
that is why we need your assistance for us to make sure the parkage live 

The content of the package is $15 million  U.S dollars our conpany  Sell 
Bloc, Crude Oil want to send this money to our customers in Europe through a 
security company  and it was declare and targed Artifact.
We want to divart the money to you so that we all will shear it,So  we want 
you to send us the needed informations for us to deposit the money with your 
name to the security company that will be living with the package.

Please we are sorry if we have offended you for the assistance,but  we 
believe the business will change our life.I wait your reply with the 
informations so that we will deposit it with your name as the  rightfull 
beneficiary and after that we give you the:

Goods Number, Code,The Tracking Number.Please you can call me with  this 
number :+234 8030781803 for more information.

Hoping  to hear from you.

Thanks and God bless,

Alfred  Johnson

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