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Receive interest payments automatically every 3 hours. Create an account and start withdrawing interest in the next 3 hours! The option to choose a different investment plan for every deposit you make. Please refer to our investment plans listed below. Investments are accepted through e-currency e-gold. For example, if you choose investment plan 3 and let your investment compound for 14.5 days you will be able to withdraw instantly 100% of your principal on day 14.5. Then for the next 65.5 days, all interest that you will earn is pure profit! Activate the Compound Interest Option at the click of a button. A user-friendly online compound interest calculator to determine your profit. Withdraw the interest to your E-Gold Account instantly any time you want. Earn a 10% commission on referrals to the Opps Club. All accounts which you have referred can be seen in real-time in your Opps Club account. Join now Investment Plan 1 Earn 0.4% interest every 3 hours for 80 days (3.2% interest over 24 hours) with a minimum investment amount of $5.00. Activate the Compound Interest Option at the click of a button. Join now Investment Plan 2 Earn 0.5% interest every 3 hours for 80 days (4.0% interest over 24 hours) with a minimum investment amount of $30.00. Activate the Compound Interest Option at the click of a button. Join now Investment Plan 3 Earn 0.6% interest every 3 hours for 80 days (4.8% interest over 24 hours) with a minimum investment amount of $90.00. Activate the Compound Interest Option at the click of a button. Join now ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> Get fast access to your favorite Yahoo! Groups. Make Yahoo! your home page --------------------------------------------------------------------~-> Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: