Chief Accountant, Bancoval Bank madrid ,spain Dear,Tarik
Jose Hernandez Carlos a Senor Chief Accountant of Bancoval which is based here in spain.I have been working with this bank for about 15 years now.By my capacity as the senior accountant,before the close of every quarta ,letters are sent to clients of dormant account to verify the situation of the stated account in other to keep a proper account before the close of quarta. In the 17 December 1992 just 2years of my promotion as the controller of deposits.A young arabian man by name IBRAHIM ABUDL HUSSAIN deposited the sum of (TWENTY TWO MILLION DOLLARS)cash. Under the following identity,verification and comfirmations: Name:IBRAHIM ABDUL HUSSAIN Amount:22 MILLION IN CASH Next of kin:HALF BROTHER Date:17 DECEMBER 1992 Duration:ON OR BEFORE TEN YEARS FROM THIS DATE. Of which i have the secret code and full datas of the depositor.Billions have passed througth me,all the deposits are with security codes.Also most of the deposits are left unclaimed because of the strigent conditions attached to the deposits.Most especially when death, untraceble address or personnal contact of fear of being probed.When is happens,the deposit is turned over to the government treasurery,where the artifacts are bidded for and the physical cash is lodged in the govrnment account. The consultation for one person who will be willing to claim this fund,with an islamic identity and leaving outside of europe was my primary target.You involvement to this matter will come as a surprise,but is reality.Your identity,it can be marched to that of an islamic and the deposit was made by a similar identity to yours so i decided to reach you.The posting of the letter is to enable it reach you personnaly.I will need you to indicate your interest in this transaction by responding quick to my private line ( +34-675-200-534) Or this e mail address( [EMAIL PROTECTED]) more details. I cannot continue to sit down here and watch this funds go back to government purse as unclaimed.Every month end a depositor contacts the firm for updates or the next of kindoes so,but no one has done that till date. Your decision to this matter will go a long way in this transaction because this company may not stand in the next 6 months to come. Thanks. Dr Jose Hernandez Carlos Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: