If you're tired of paying too much for supplies at Staples or Office Max and have never ordered printer ink online before, I'd like to introduce you to MyInks.com.

To become your provider for quality printer ink we've put together an exclusive offer for you. Along with our 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed inkjet cartridges and great service you'll receive:

-- 1-Year Magazine Subscription
-- Plus, 3D World Atlas CD-Rom (see site for details)
-- Plus, 10% OFF $35 or more
-- Plus, JFK Gold Coin w/ $40 order
(see site for details)

-- Plus, No shipping cost w/ $50 order
(US & Canada)

Take advantage of all 5 offers!

Click on your printer brand below to take advantage of this limited-time special now, while supplies last. And, be sure to use Coupon Code:BVGMA when checking out.


Happy Printing!

Jodie Clark
MyInks Customer Rewards Manager

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