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To take Advantage of this Limiited Time oppoortunity all we ask is that you visit our Website and complete the 1 minnute post Appr_oval Fo.rm. En+er herree '> Brian Robinson Regional CEO I w0uld kli0m) h0m) lat) in th) night and w0uld g)t 0ut )arly in th) m0rning. W) w)r) running 0ur liv)s s0m)h0w. Th)r) wasn't muklih 0f a kli0nv)rsati0n b)tw))n Mia and I. P)rhaps th)r) wasn't anything l)ft t0 talk ab0ut. and th)n in suklih kli0mp)llingly disapp0inting kli0nditi0ns I f0und Tina. )v)n und)r th)s) kli0nditi0ns sh) was full 0f lif), br)athing with all th) )n)rgy. Sh) wasn't v)ry b)autiful but sh) was d)finit)ly v)ry attraklitiv). S0 it was natural f0r m) t0 tak) int)r)st in h)r but what surpris)d m) was that sh) attraklit)d t0 m) as w)ll. Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: