I`m Missionary Kate Jackson ,67yrs ffrom Norther Ireland - U.Ksuffering from 
cancer of the breast.   

    My condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I may 
notlive more than 2 weeks,because the cancer stage has gotten its 3rd stage. My 
surgical specialisttold me that I may not live for more than 2weeks after my 
next surgery & iam so scared about it.   

   After what they have told me, i have decided to divide part of my wealth,by 
contributing to the motherless baby homes,charity homes and widows. I amwilling 
to donate the sum of 2,000,000.00(GBP) to the poor through you.Can you help me?

I await your humble reply,

Mother Kate Jackson
Tel: +447045704299


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