
Are you going to be watching the big game
this Sunday?

The one between New York and New England?

Keep track of the score at half time, because
that's all you will have to pay Bob Jenkins on
Sunday to pick up over $200 worth of internet
marketing lessons. 

It's true (although I didn't believe it at first

Bob is holding what may be the shortest
sale in the history of the internet. 

More importantly, it will be a lot of fun, and
you can get some great stuff for hardly
anything (or even free!). 

Here's how it works. 

At the end of the first half, Bob is going to
total up the scores of both teams. 

No matter what the score is, that's the
price of his Halftime Sale.

While Tom Petty and the rest of the entertainers
are doing what they do, you'll be able to save big
time on what Bob put together. 

==> http://halftimesale.com/2008/?score=205 

Sounds pretty cool to me.  I know I'll be there.

Will you?

Douglas Ford

p.s. Bob will tell you more about what's included.
But I am most excited that he'll be including lessons
on Web 2.0 and affiliate marketing.

p.p.s. One more thing, there's a way for Bob to
pay you more than you pay him on Sunday. Check 
out the details as you grab your free VIP Access

==> http://halftimesale.com/2008/?score=205 

Create a Resale Rights Empire in 7 Days


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