Dear All,

Cyclone Sidr has caused 3,113 deaths and thousands of injuries, numbers that
are feared to soar higher as response efforts continue. An estimated
3.2million people have been displaced from their homes.

A cyclone, called a hurricane or typhoon in other world regions, is a low
pressure system with high velocity spiraling winds. In the case of Sidr,
these winds triggered a 15-foot tidal surge that violently struck populated
areas and easily flooded Bangladesh's low topography.

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*Quick Facts:***

*Magnitude*: Category 4 Cyclone

*Incident*: November 15, 2007

*Human Cost*: 3,113 deaths, 3,322 injured, and 1,063 missing as of November
19, 2007

*Damage*: Unknown number of homes destroyed; at least 650,000 people

*More information*:    Reuters AlertNet News
ABC News <>

BBC News <>

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*Support Us:*

Please Give a Hand to the *Cyclone Victims* in Bangladesh! In order to be a
part of this humanitarian mission, Please feel free to come forward & help
the victims, however, small your contribution is.

We remain committed to making every dollar count. Please help us continue
this invaluable work with your support.

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