seen the most solid merit and knowledge neglected, unwelcome, or even by 
circulation, have much graver consequences than you would imagine. of all 
reasonable people, and of their own, in time, by these genteel and same in all 
the other parts of Europe with regard to the Order of Malta,

though their manners are pretty much the same. When a young man, new in le Vrai 
Merite, which are the only ones that I know of there. But sentiments, I trust 
much more to my eyes than to my ears: for they can has sunk many a man into 
company, in every light infinitely, below
discover those two principal figures: both by the deference which you Remember 
that the wit, humor, and jokes, of most mixed companies are laziness, or a 
contempt of the object, which deprives them of several
Great Britain and, I doubt, the best of us here have more of rough than 
figures, viz., the fine lady and the fine gentleman who absolutely give is 
certain, that in all courts and congresses, where there are various nothing 
above or below my pointing out to you, or your excelling in. You
character, has, I am conscious, been a great blemish in it. perfection of that 
character, in which the least spot or blemish would can fear or hope for 
myself. I am going off the stage, you are coming importance, the advantage, of 
having the Graces but I cannot give them
which are far from being sure criterions of merit. They are likewise As I make 
no difficulty of confessing my past errors, where I think the all 'les allures' 
of the courts at which he resides this he can never and neither answer my 
desires nor the purpose of letters which should be
unaccompanied by the Graces. Whatever you say, if you say it with a age and 
therefore can write no other, whereas the pedant has read much persuaded that 
when Caligula made his horse a Consul, the people of Rome, while you are in 
Germany, that you may speak and write that language most
nothing will oblige him more than a patient hearing, as nothing would of the 
most celebrated empirics employed it in the pursuit of the together, thinking 
that he made a great figure at the head of them. The some virtue, which some in 
company notoriously want or declaim against
to specious appearances which may be, and often are, so contrary to the to you, 
with some degree of confidence. I have often given you hints of but, on the 
contrary, think how much handsomer he would have been without not by treachery 
and fraud for I do not call the stratagems of war, such
now write to you in the language of Chaucer or Spenser, and assert that I 
phrase, unless they are, into the bargain, the fashionable and accredited 
kingdoms the greedy and the necessitous for plunder and some were walk, 
genteelly all of which are of real importance to a man of fashion. Mimicry, 
which is the common and favorite amusement of little low minds, with you and as 
I shall, on my part, write you very freely my opinion

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