Forex (Foreign Exchange) is the name given to the "direct access" trading of 
foreign currencies. With an average daily volume of $1.4 trillion, forex is 46 
times larger than all the futures markets combined and, for that reason, is the 
world's most liquid market. In the past, forex trading was limited largely to 
enormous money center banks and other institutional traders. But in just the 
past few years, technological innovations and the development of online trading 
platforms allow small traders to take advantage of the significant benefits of 
trading foreign currencies with forex. 
Unlike other financial markets, the foreign exchange market has no physical 
location and no central exchange. It operates through a global network of 
banks, corporations and individuals trading one currency for another. The lack 
of a physical exchange enables the forex market to operate on a 24-hour basis, 
spanning from one zone to another in all the major financial centers.
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