He thought, I heard that same sound as a small, unhurt boy, and for a moment he nearly wept. Here, by one of the rock walls, was the source of that flumping, dragging sound: a mattress.He thought, I heard that same sound as a small, unhurt boy, and for a moment he nearly wept. Here, by one of the rock walls, was the source of that flumping, dragging sound: a mattress.He thought, I heard that same sound as a small, unhurt boy, and for a moment he nearly wept. Here, by one of the rock walls, was the source of that flumping, dragging sound: a mattress.He thought, I heard that same sound as a small, unhurt boy, and for a moment he nearly wept. Here, by one of the rock walls, was the source of that flumping, dragging sound: a mattress.
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